I reviewed music for The Singles Jukebox from 2016 until the site's closure in 2022. I like this one on Owen Pallett and this one on serpentwithfeet.

For the first ever Summer of Mathematical Exposition (SOME) I made a long video on a bottom-up method for deriving the Fourier Transform. People seem to like it - I mean, I like it, so.

Awful Percussion Transcriber is a mess of code that tries to do a very sloppy job at transcribing percussive audio into MIDI files. It is great at making vaguely rhythmic nonsense.

Audio Slice Replacer is an earlier version of the Awful Percussion Transcriber - honestly, it is probably more interesting. It takes a source file and a destination file and tries to chop up the source and rearrange it into something that sounds like the destination, matching pieces together using a Nearest Neighbors algorithm. Here is what it sounds like. I have used the results of this all over my music.